

art and hobbies


site log

  • 18/09/24- defining new sections
  • 25/08/24- photo section is up and working!
  • 23/08/24- got the status thing working right below this! I'm so happy about it!
  • 22/08/24- blog page and guestbook working! customized the layout! added a miku stamp!
  • 18/08/24- new start for the site with a new layout I found
  • 17/08/24- newbie mistake! accidentally deleted all my code and lost everything! devastated!


Outside links

some stamps

about the site

Hi there! This is my personal site, I'm planning to spend a lot of time here and post my thoughts, happenings in my life and my projects here. ANYWAYS IF YOU STUMBLE UPON HERE, YOU CAN ALREADY SIGN MY GUESTBOOK :3

under development

To do: add first blog entry.

Blog page, photo gallery and guestbook working, I'm still preparing everything.

Also I just got a first impression of what coding is this week so I honestly don't understand most of what's happening here, But I'll keep on building this. Links are totally not working.

latest post